This website uses Google Fonts from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94 043, USA). The use of Google Fonts takes place without authentication and no cookies are sent to the Google Fonts API. If you have an account with Google, none of your Google account data will be transmitted to Google during the use of Google Fonts. Google only collects the use of CSS and the fonts used and saves this data securely. More information on these and other questions can be found at

You can find out which data is collected by Google and what it is used for at

Information on the GDPR from the provider can be found at or

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A systematic or automated processing of your data does not take place on my side.

If you expressly do not wish to receive any further notifications, please send a short message to konzt@konzt. com, and I will remove your e-mail address from the list.